One-On-One Feedback

Approach feedback in a way that shares your deeper needs and prevents critical and confrontational feedback.

NVC Feedback

Our one-on-one private feedback chat can be setup at any time and will send based on your cadence. The form is based on non-violent communication. With Nonviolent Communication (NVC) we learn to hear our own deeper needs and those of others.

More Than Just Feedback



Get a feed with team member answers to group questions. Learn about team member hobbies, likes and dislikes in order to encourage team member connections.

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Shout Outs

Let your team members know when they have made a contribution. Share recognition about how they made an impact as well as all the skills and values they reinforced

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Virtual Coffee

Find 15 minutes to connect with people across your organization. ChatFox automatically sets a time, generates a video link, and provides previous Icebreaker answers.

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Start Giving NVC Feedback On Slack
